
Saturday 22 August 2015

FIFA Scandal. What we need to know?

Former FIFA President, Sepp Blater

"FIFA are in crisis amid corruption charges levelled by both the U.S. Department of Justice and the Swiss government at world football's governing body." - ESPN FC
2015 is the dark days of world governing football body, FIFA when the news spread around the world that there are allegations of corruption in the world biggest body.

 It all started on May 27th at 6 am when a group of Swiss law officers arrived without their knowledge Zurich's Baur Au Lac hotels in Switzerland.

According to ESPN, fourteen people were arrested including two FIFA vice president, Jeffrey Webb of The Cayman Island and Eugenio Figueredo of Uruguay. All of them  were charged with wire fraud, racketeering and money laundering.

After few weeks later, criminal- investigation into 2018 and 2022 World Cup host awards opened throwing FIFA into deeper crisis. Not long after that, on May 28th UEFA President shocked the world with his statement or more of request where he asked Sepp Blater to step down as FIFA President.

After being pressurized, Sepp Blater finally stepping down as President on 2nd June 2015 by announcing it in press conference held at Zurich.


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